99 Best Dragon Tattoo designs for man and woman – BestTattooGuide.com

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Dragon tattoo is getting its popularity in tattoo’s world. These tattoos give an artistic illustration of what these creatures look like. It gives different meaning depending upon the psychological structure of a person. It symbolizes both good and evil depends upon the psychology of owner and artist.

Dragons are possession of huge wings that help them to carry them to travel a long distance and their mouth helps in firing fire and we have to listen to stories of a dragon in many stories.

Dragon tattoo means different for both man and woman. If a man has a dragon tattoo it symbolizes toughness and power at the same on women it indicates strong personality and also has an ability to listen to the opinion of society for her.

So here we will discuss the meaning, type and suggested placement and also we will suggest you 99 best dragon designs.

Meaning of dragon tattoo

Every tattoo has some hidden meaning behind it that sometimes becomes a reason to place it on your body. Dragon tattoo also has some meaning that it symbolizes power. It means the people who have a dragon tattoo on their body they want to become powerful and want to increase strength.

Some people also believed that the person who has a dragon tattoo on their body have the willingness to win in every situation of life and they generally have brave nature.

With these qualities, dragon tattoo also has some qualities like passion, desire, wisdom, and destruction.

Types of dragon tattoo

These tattoos come with different design and color. So these are categorized under several categories. So that you can choose which type of tattoo you want to have on your body.

Oriental dragon tattoos

These tattoos are created with different colorful designs. Simply means that these tattoos are not pre-imagined or preplanned. It depends upon the artist and your personal choice. In some culture, dragon tattoo symbolizes good fortune and compassion.

Dragon and tiger tattoo

These tattoos are very common while having a dragon tattoo. These both show their adverse behavior and balance each other powerful forces. The pairing of dragon and tiger is compared to the yin-yang symbol. These tattoos are common in man and woman both.

Cute dragon

It is not necessary that a dragon must look like masculine and dangerous. These days cute dragons are trending as they have a cute and adorable look that gives a different look. This is popular because its cuteness makes it unique among all.

Dragon and moon tattoo

This combination of moon and dragon is very popular in some areas. As the moon indicate light and inner strengths of a person. Both the moon and dragon are the water symbol. These two designs are directly connected to a person’s subconscious mind and meditation.

Japanese Irezumi Dragon tattoo

This tattoo is decorated with red, black, grey and yellow color that looks great and gives a different look. It’s huge in size so in order to make it beautiful it is recommended to have it on back or chest.

Ideal placement for a dragon tattoo

It is very necessary to have a tattoo in the right place. There is not any perfect place but if we talk about most common places for dragon tattoos then it is recommended to place on arm, chest or side.
If you want to have a huge dragon tattoo then chest or back will be a suitable place and if you want to have a small one then finger, arm, ankle, and wrist are some preferred place.

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