101+ Best Tiger Tattoo Design for Man and Woman – BestTattooGuide.com

Designs1 year ago247 Views

Tiger tattoos are catching a lot of attention nowadays. People usually prefer many styles but tiger tattoos are most common among all. It is beautiful and scary at the same time so people like these adverse qualities and likes to draw a tattoo of a tiger on their body. So it becomes very hard to choose the best tiger tattoo designs for men and women.

Tiger is mostly found in southern Asia and number of tigers is declining day by day due to increasing population and deforestation it becomes very hard to preserve this species in the long run . So drawing a tattoo on your body helps to immortalize tiger.

Tiger is an animal that creates fear among all and makes you feel powerful and authoritative. It makes you superior among all after having this tattoo on your body.

Here are the 101 most amazing tiger tattoo design that look amazing on your body.

Tiger tattoo meaning

Every tattoo has unique meaning which sometime becomes the reason behind having a tattoo on your body.

Even some time tattoo seems similar but the meaning behind that is different for all people. For example, tiger tattoo design has a different meaning for a Chinese and American person. For Chinese, it shows power at the same time for American, it symbolizes beauty. Tiger tattoo is associated different meaning with his aggressive behavior that can be Power, Beauty, independence, Danger, Passion, punishment and Pride.

Reason behind making tiger tattoo

A tiger’s color is the foremost reason to draw a tattoo on your body. Although tiger is not the most powerful animal, all the animals are afraid of tiger and also it is fastest animal among all so it can captures its prey very quickly. So this makes tiger different from all weaker animals. After having tiger tattoo people may think that you are fearless and have horrid attitude. Some people make a tiger tattoo to show their superiority among all.

Types of tiger tattoos

Just like tigers its tattoo also doesn’t look same different people choose different styles while having a tiger tattoo. All depends upon a person that which tattoo he/she will choose. So here we will discuss about some famous types of tiger tattoo.

Tribal tattoo

It is the most popular design among all. As per the name tribal tattoo belongs to a specific tribe or group. So the meaning may be different for all of them depending on their tribe but all are related to their cultural history so as per their tradition shape and size may vary but they have one thing in common that outline of the tiger is pure black.

Cub’s tattoos

Baby tiger tattoo symbolizes innocence. It is common in both men and women but mostly the woman is found having a Cubs tattoo on their body. It has a deep meaning in it. Tiger baby is innocent and when he grew up it becomes ferocious just like that a woman is also innocent but when they face social difficulties they change their nature adversely.

Tiger eyes tattoo

Eyes are an important part of a person’s body and also it is believed that you can see the truth in a person’s eyes. So having a tiger’s eye tattoo shows that you are convinced to look your inner soul rather than judging from outside. Tigers eyes show that a person loves his/her favorites.

3D tiger tattoo

It is trending nowadays as it looks so realistic and close. It makes the illusion of having a tattoo under the skin. These tattoos come with a different color combination which makes them different among all tattoos

Best tiger tattoo designs for man and woman in 2019

So here are some more tiger tattoo design that will suit on both man and woman. It is recommended to consider these designs before tattooing.

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