5 Best Lasers for Tattoo Removal in 2024 – BestTattooGuide.com

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A Tattoo represents the personality of a person and that’s the main reason behind the growing trend of the tattoo. But sometimes we have to remove our tattoo due to various reasons. It might be a broken relationship or any job prospective.

Although there are many ways to remove a tattoo laser tattoo removal is the most effective out of them. So in this article, we will review the best laser for tattoo removal that will help to remove your tattoo permanently and also cover every query that you might have regarding removing your tattoo through laser treatment.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

The pulses energy of light passed through ink particles. Tattoo ink particles absorb the energy and heat up the tattooed skin particles into small fragments.

After processing for several weeks, the body’s immune systems fade up the tattoo and after some time flush the tattoo away from that place. This process continues in every laser treatment until every ink particle brake down and removed from your skin permanently.

Things to Know Before Doing Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is not an easy process, there are several things that you need to know before applying laser treatment.


The safety concern is always attached with laser tattoo removal so make sure you have to remove your tattoo from a reputed dermatologist as there are some risks of infection and bleeding.

So a dermatologist takes care of everything and makes a successful tattoo removal.


Time totally depends upon the size of your tattoo. If your tattoo is small then it will take approximate 3 weeks and on another hand, if your tattoo size is large then it will take around 1 year for the complete treatment.


Tattoo removal can be painless but for that, you have to take some numbing agent before the removal session. For a long tattoo session, doctors generally use lidocaine injection that will make your skin less sensitive for some time.

Generally smaller tattoos are much painful as compare to larger tattoos as laser settings reflect the colour of the tattoo rather than its size.

Idle Skin

According to some expert physician, every skin type is not perfect for laser tattoo removal. The treatment is difficult for the people who have dark skin tone because of the behaviour on which laser works.

What Type of Laser is Best for Tattoo Removal

There are many types of laser removal but picosecond laser are the best option to prefer. The reason for selecting this particular laser is that it provides faster and painless tattoo removing experience.

Before 2012, the standard of laser removal was high that produce longer light pulses.

What to Expect From a laser Removal

The process is just similar to making a new tattoo. The doctor created an open wound.

Yes, it hurts!

After completing the session, the doctor covers the surface with a bandage and gives proper instruction of caring it.

After some days your tattooed surface will get scabs and blisters but you have to treat them gently and use proper aftercare treatment like antibacterial soap and ointment that will boost the healing process of that surface.

5 Best Laser For Tattoo Removal

1. Professional Scar Tattoo Removal Pen

Professional scar tattoo removal pen is the power red light laser that will not damage your skin tissues. The light is multifunctional that works on removing some other things like eyebrow, tattoo and freckle.  The treatment is very much safe and secure.

The best thing about this tattoo removal pen is that it can be operated with two buttons so you can easily use this without any issue. Other than this the light comes with sunglasses that will protect your skin from harmful laser rays.

It is a pocket-sized pen that you can take anywhere you want but for a beginner, it is not a recommended option.

2. Picosecond Laser Pen

The laser works fine in removing spot into fine particles. The laser tattoo treatment will help in maintaining the metabolism of skin and reduce some darkness of your skin. It also helps to maintain the glow and health of your skin.

The laser comes with a 3-speed option that helps to operate the speed according to your need and requirement. The other best thing about this laser machine is that it comes with a small LED light display that shows the performance of pen while processing.

The speed of laser pen is very fast that helps you to remove tattoo fast. The company believes in their quality and that’s the reason they are providing a 6-month warranty with 100% refund.

3. Professional Red Light Picosecond Scar Tattoo Removal Pen

If you want to get rid of dark spots and freckles and also maintain the metabolism of your skin then Red Light Picosecond Scar Tattoo Removal Pen is the good option to consider.

This tattoo removal pen is very much light weighted and compact that you can carry along with you anytime and anywhere.

The faster and rapid energy brakes up the direct pigments and performs a smooth laser experience.  The best thing about this removal pen is that it removes the tattoo without bleeding and high pain. The company is providing a 100% refund if you don’t satisfy their product.

So if you are looking for a cheap scar removing option then this is the best option to go with.

4. Picosecond Laser Pen Scar Tattoo Dark Spot Removal Machine

This machine provides short pulse widths that will no harm to your skin tissues.

The best thing about this laser pen is that you can use it anywhere on your body but make sure while using it on your face, you have to wear eye mask that will protect your eyes from these harmful rays and you need to take help from other people around you.

The product has more than 60% positive reviews that show the trust of product among customers. Other than this, it comes with a laser protective glass that will protect your eyes from damage.

5. Beemyi Blue Ray Picosecond Pen

Beemyi picosecond comes with 9 level frequency that helps to operate according to your need and 4 level energy helps to provide the speed and performance to this pen.

The laser pen performs well in removing moles, acne, freckles and marks. The machine operates with the help of USB cable that provides convenience to everyone to use without any annoying cable.

Although this laser pen doesn’t come with protective sunglass we must recommend wearing a sunglass to protect your eyes from laser rays.

The company offers a one-year warranty that will maintain your trust and initiate your purchasing decision.

The complete package includes 1 Picosecond Pen for Customer, 1 x USB cable, Simple English instructions and Details Upgrade Beemyi Operation Manual E-book that is sent by Email.


Using Laser tattoo removal pen is very risky. So it is advised to take help from the people around you while using these pens.

We hope these reviews will help to choose the best option in the market but make sure you should read the guidelines that are prescribed on the laser pen. The pain of laser removal is unbearable some time so if the tattooed area is large then it is advised to use numbing cream before removal session.

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