How to Clean Your New Tattoo to Boost Healing Process –

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It is very important to take care of your Favorite New tattoo of special design that has been drawn on your skin.

Your new tattoo is in the healing process and it is very important to give it Correctly and effectively cleaning process so that you can prevent your tattoo from infection and promote better healing by a proper after-care.

The after-care process is not so hard and difficult. You just need to keep in mind certain basic things which need to be done regularly do and those things which you should not do with your skin tattoo. Let us now discuss in detail about the tattoo cleaning and after-care process.

Why Cleaning your New Tattoo is Important?

Your tattoo artist has done a fantastic job and has drawn an artistic design of your choice on your skin. Your tattoo artist also applied antibacterial soap and wrap it in A plastic or a surgical wrap so that your newly drawn tattoo remain safe from bacterial infection.

A good tattoo artist also advises you to keep your tattoo safe and guide you with the after-care healing process and cleaning routine. A newly drawn tattoo is exactly just like a small wound this need to care for a few days.

Thus Let us now guide you with the healing process and cleaning routine of your favourite tattoo.

How to clean your tattoo

A tattoo artist washes your tattoo with antibacterial soap and sterilize it By wrapping a surgical wrap on the tattoo to make it bacterial free.

When you restore the area, the bacteria in the air begins to come in contact with the wounded area And thus you need to clean your area as soon as possible.

This is almost Common that your newly drawn tattoo is been sipping with blood and extra ink and plasma. So don’t worry, let us now go through the healing process and cleaning routine of your tattoo.

Step 1: Wash your hands

It is very important that you wash your hands with lukewarm water so that it would help your hands in getting bacterial free. Your tattoo shouldn’t be rubbed with dirty hands.

You all know the correct process of washing hands but though let me take you to a quick process of washing hands.

Wet your hands with lukewarm water and then add liquid soap or bacterial soap on your hands. Quick lather and rub your hands up to a count of 15 and then rinse it off with lukewarm water again. Then dry your hands with a towel or a dryer and turn off the Tap with a towel or with your sleeves.

Step 2: Wet the area

Once you have washed your hands properly then you have no risk of getting bacterial infection by hands on your tattoo. Now you need to clean your sensitive skin where your tattoo has been drawn by lukewarm water.

This warm water will help to open the pores under the tattoo which would help or cause the ink to be drawn from the skin. Just don’t put your tattoo area under the running tap by rinsing it with regular water. Take water in your hands and clean your sensitive skin area in a circular motion.

Step 3: Add soap

Now your sensitive skin area has been washed off and the pores are open, now you can apply an alcohol-free Soap on the area of your sensitive skin by rubbing your hands in a circular motion.

Remember not to use a towel or a rough surface cloth to scrub your sensitive area in order to wash it with soap. This will cause itching and redness on your tattoo and it may also cause bacterial infection present in the dirty towel.

Step 4: Rinse it off

Your tattoo has been properly watched by an alcohol-free antibacterial soap, and you have properly rubbed your tattoo in a circular motion which means your tattoo has been properly cleaned now.

Now you need to wash it again to remove the soap from your sensitive skin. Just remember it that you don’t need to put your sensitive skin under the running tap, just do it properly as you did earlier. Rinse it off by taking water in your hands and putting it on your sensitive area slowly.

Step 5: Dry the skin

It is now important to dry the skin of your sensitive area because the wet area can attract dust particles and bacteria. In order to prevent the bacterial infection and dust particles, dry the skin as soon as possible.

Dry it gently with a clean cloth or dryer which is free from dirt and roughness. You can also use a paper towel to clean the area. Don’t get nervous if your paper towel shows excess ink drawn out of the pores as it will be normal for a few days.

Step 6: Apply Lotion on the sensitive area

Your sensitive area is completely dry now and it needs some kinds of lotion for proper healing. Applying lotion will hydrate your skin and provide the necessary ingredient and essential oils to your skin for faster healing.

The lotion will work as an after-care product. You just need to apply a small shiny layer Of lotion so that your sensitive area remain hydrated and it doesn’t cause itching and irritation.

Things to Avoid While Cleaning Your New Tattoo

  • Don’t touch the sensitive area without washing your hands
  • Avoid washing your hands too quickly
  • It is recommended to not apply soap which contains alcohol
  • Do not scrub your sensitive area with a hard surface towel
  • Don’t keep your sensitive area under running water tap
  • Don’t dry your sensitive area with a rough towel

FAQ Session

Q1. What can I use to clean my tattoo?

You can use a simple lukewarm water and alcohol free soap to clean your tattoo. You just need to keep it in mind that you don’t use a soap which contains alcohol and you don’t scrub your sensitive area with a hard surface towel. You can just use paper towels to dry your sensitive skin.

Q2. Can I just wash my tattoo with water?

No, you can’t just wash your tattoo with water only. You also need to apply some sort of anti bacterial and alcohol free soap which will help to remove dirt and bacteria from the sensitive skin and helps to prevent the skin from getting infected.

Q3. How do I sleep with fresh tattoo?

You don’t need to worry much about the sleeping pattern. Just make sure that the bed sheet you are sleeping on is free from dirt and dust particles. This dirt and dust particles present on the bed sheet will cause an infection while come in contact with the sweat.


All the healing process and cleaning routine has been mentioned above. Make sure that you follow the steps and instructions properly.

This will help to heal your tattoo faster and also help to prevent bacterial infection on the sensitive area.

Just remember to wash your sensitive skin gently and dry it off with a soft towel or a dryer.

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