Different types Ear Piercing- with complete list. (in-depth guide of ear piercing)

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When it comes to ear piercing then there are so many different types of ear piercing available out there. So it is tough for us to choose which type of ear piercing we should go for. Each type of ear piercing have different location, various pain level and different cost to pierce.

It is essential you should have some research on each type of ear piercing before to decide for which ear piercing you should go for. Examine their location, cost, the healing process and jewellery before to choose types of ear piercing.

See also:

Daith Piercing: Everything You Wants to Know
Medusa piercing: Making your identity unique (Guide)
Nose Piercing Side: Which Side Is most Preferred

Know a days ear piercing is the most popular way to show your creativity because there are so many options of ear piercing available like a snug, rook, daith piercing and with different ear piercing jewellery. You can choose your unique ear piercing and stand apart from crowds.

Today in this post, We will discuss all kind of ear piercings briefly with their unique feature also discuss the how much they hurt, how to heel them faster, how to choose jewellery for your new ear piercing and many more things.

Stay with us for few minute. We will answer all your doubt and question regarding ear piercings with this ultimate ear piercings guide.

Check also: Medusa piercing ultimate guide

In this section we are going to discuss different ear piercings type with their key feature so you can customise the type of ear piercings as you like. Remember each type of ear piercings have theirs on the level of pain, different aftercare product and different healing process. So just not only consider how they look but consider all aspect of ear piercing before to choose any kind of ear piercings.

Most people who are going for ear piercings are interested in how they are going to look their ear piercing then this section is for them to envision they look who they will look after piercings.

Lob piercing

Lob piercings are even the most common piercings throughout the world today. Basically, most people who ever had done piercing start with lob ear piercings. Lob piercings quickly heel and less painful type of ear piercings. It is located in the lower part of the ear.

Most people start ear piercings with lob piercings. You can also have a try to this kind of piercings. Many people to modification by doing double or triple lob ear piercing to make it more attractive.

Wide variety of jewellery are available for this type of ear piercings.

Transverse Lobe Piercing

There is a new twist to old lob piercing. It is done on the same place as lob piercing done but rather than being pierced from front to back, It pierced from side to side. A piece of barbell jewellery is passed horizontally passed through the one side of ear nob to another side of ear nob. This horizontal piercing also depends on the size and shape of the ear lobe. It is generally a little bit more painful the lob piercing, but it quickly healed.

Tragus Piercing

Tragus is a part of the ear that right in front of the ear canal. The difficulty and level of pain depend on the size and thickness of tragus. Targus pierced from front to back with a hollow needle. Jewellery wearied over tragus are small in size. Ear studs and barbell are the common forms of jewellery wear in tragus piercing.

Anti-Tragus Piercing

In anti-tragus piercing the perforation of ear cartilage is done. It is just above the lobe piercing. The name of this piercing is anti-tragus because it is just situated in front of the tragus. It is more painful and also takes time in healing because we are piercing ear cartilage. It will also a unique and beautiful form of self-expression.

Helix Piercing

Helix piercing is any piercing done on the upper ear or on the helix to wear the ear jewellery. Usually, the small beads rings or ear studs are wearied in this kind of piercing. In this kind of piercing usually there is little to no pain because there are not nerve cells are present in this part of the ear and it also heals quickly.

Forward Helix Piercing

Usually this is the popular form of piercing due to its stylish and beautiful eye-catching look. Here top front of ear or helix is perforated to wear jewellery with the help of a gauge needle. To make more attractive you can have double or triple forward helix piercing. It’s generally not much pain and if care-after properly then heal quickly. Small jewellery is more suitable for this kind of piercing.

Daith Piercing

Daith piercing is done on the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. Location to piercing this area is difficult to access. This form of piercing should be done by any professional. It is painful because the area is more sensitive. But with proper precaution, the pain can be reduced, and the wound will be healed.

Here is another reason to choose it. Daith piercing also have medical benefits, it will very effective in treating migraine headache.

Industrial Piercing

There are double piercing takes place, one is on upper ear helix, and another is on the opposite side on the ear both holes are connected with a single piece of jewellery. Industrial piercing have more pain take more healing time due to dual perforation. This most stylish form of ear piercing.

Conch Piercing

Conch piercing is a unique way of showing your creativity, and it looks eye catchy. In this piercing, the ear is pierced from the middle of the ear with a Straight needle. The hole is similar to other types of ear piercing. It is some painful; however, it also depends on person to person. There are two types are piercing one is inner conch and another outer conch.

Snug Piercing

Snug piercing look cute and awesome and look original and shiny. It will show your individuality and can amaze your friends. In this perforation done in the lower rim of the helix and just above the tragus. The exact location depends on the design of ear. Micro jewellery are preferable to wear in snug piercing.

Rook Piercing

Rook piercing is situated in the inner ridge of the ear cartilage. It is vertically oriented and found above the tragus. Like daith piercing, it is also helpful in treating headache and migraine. However, it also the most stylish and fabulous and popular among people worldwide. It is generally painful, but with precaution, the pain can be controlled.

Dermal Piercing.

In dermal piercing perforation lies on the flat surface and it is located inward to the tragus from where the upper rim just started. However, it is a little bit painful but heal quickly. Micro jewellery are wearied in dermal piercing.

Orbital Piercing

Orbital piercing is a combination of two piercing that usually done in the helix or anti-helix area and connected by a single piece of jewellery. This form of jewellery looks pretty awesome, and usually, round rings are wearied.

Auricle Piercing

Auricle piercing is the process of perforation of auricle part of the ear which lies between the helix and ear lob. The piercing can be done between anywhere at auricle ear it depends on the personal choice of people. You can have double or triple auricle piercing to look more stylish and attractive. Fluent fancy rings fabulous on this piercing.

Things you should consider before ear piercing.

There are many important factor you should consider before going to pierced your ear. Here below some point you can look before your ear piercing.

Before going to piercing done your research. Doing research does not simply that you have decided the type of ear piercing and how will look into that. Doing research means before piercing your ear look in all the aspect like cost, the healing process and other every factor.

choose location and type of ear piercing.

The first and foremost things you can do is that decide the location and type of ear piercing you going to do. Whether you want lob piercing or daith piercing or which one and also make sure that you are happy with your chosen piercing.

Have some research on your peircer

Basically there is not much to do before ear piercing a piercer does most things. After deciding the type of ear piercing, you’re going to have. Now its time to find a best and professionally trained piercer to get the job done perfectly. Do not do it at cheap because the things going to happen is on your body so find someone who knows what he is doing.

Equipment and things used during piercing.

Do not hesitate to ask the question and always check the kind of equipment and product used for your ear piercing and make sure they must be high in quality. Always check the equipment must be sterilised, safe to use otherwise it may cause infection.

There are generally three type of equipment used for ear piercing.

Hollow needles are are usually used in parlor and salon for ear piercing. make sure needles are sterilized and packed in separate packet and not used before.

Hand-pressured piercing instruments are used for soft, genital and accurate ear piercing by using safe sterilized ear rings.

Spring-loaded piercing guns that pierce the ear by shooting the earring through the ear. They are more accurate and fast in ear piercing.

Choose your earrings.

This is the most fun part of choosing the earrings for your piercing. So always choose the design you love because this is going to remain with your during the entire healing process and you cannot change during the healing process. Also, check the material used in earrings so must be infection free and suitable for your skin. Generally, people use steel, gold and platinum earrings.

How much does ear piercing hurt?

There is no exact answer to this question “how much does ear piercing hurt” because there are many factors considered to know the pain of ear piercing. It depends on the location of the ear, personal tolerance of the person and many more.

Yes, every ear piercing somewhat hurt but the level of pain depends on the location of the ear for piercing. There are some other factors like the thickness of the ear and density of nerves on the surrounding ear area. Lob, helix piercing is least painful whereas rook and tragus are more painful. Counch and anti-tragus are most painful ear piercing.

However the level of pain depends on the pain tolerance of the person. Some person does not feel any pain while ear piercing and some person are more sensitive even in lob piercing they will feel so much pain that it is not bearable for them.

However there are two types of pain, one is that occur during the piercing and another after piercing. The pain during piercing is sharp and high intensity, but it’s for a few seconds and the pain after the piercing is dull and for long hours.

If you are sensitive to pain then you can ask pierce to numbing spray before ear piercing or any other pain controlling product.

How long ear piercing take time to heel?

However you may have an idea if you ever have done ear piercing that it will just take 6-8 weeks to heel. But the is true in the case of ear lobe piercing. It’s not true for every type of ear piercing. Different types of ear piercing have a different time to heel.

One another important factor is environment and climate. The heeling of ear piercing also depends on the climatic. If the climate is cold and moisturised, then ear piercing takes more time. If the climate is hot and dry, then you ear piercing heel fast. So it recommended to pierced your ear during hot summer.

The upper cartilage and inner cartilage tend to take more time in heeling then ear lobe piercing. They can take 3 month to 6 month to heel. There are various type of piercing come under cartilage piercing such as industrial, daith piercing.

Anti helix and snug ear piercing can take unto to 12 months of heeling time. These piercing will take longer time to heel. So can change jewerry between healing time.

It is said that rook piercing take the longest time to heel and the major heeling of this ear piercing took place in 6 months but to full heel the wound it will take 12-18 months to heel. But with proper care and precaution, it can heal faster.

There are different factors, climatic condition decides the time of healing. But if you want to get the exact idea of specific ear piercing according to your ear, then you can ask from ear pierce he will give to exact idea how much time it will take place to heel.

How you take care of your ear after piercing

However there is nothing much to care your ear piercing. Its pretty simple but also very important. Here are the following things you should take care for ear piercing.

Keep your piercing area clean. Do not let soap and shampoo to collect around the pierced area. However, it typical to clean the area of the ear. But take a little cotton swab and slowly clean the ear piercing area.

Do not use harsh soap or don’t wash ear piercing area with hard soap or shampoo because it can slower down heeling time or even can cause infection.

Always keep your ear piercing clean and dry. Wetness can cause infection and slower down healing process of wound.

You can use after product of piercing to reducing heeling time and it will keep away of your ear piercing from any infection.

The best ear piercing product I have ever used and most effective is
H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray.

It is made from 100% natural ingredient and work best for all kind of skin including sensitive skin. The another best part about this is if you use it from the very beginning then it is most efficient spray in healing piercing and reduce the time of ear piercing and also reduce the regular pain of ear piercing.

Here you can check the review of this best ear piercing review and can know why this the most popular ear piercing aftercare spray among the people.

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